
Transformation at Batsumi Claims Management Solutions

Batsumi Claims Management Solutions embraces the principles and spirit of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) despite the fact that it is a black owned company with 77.5% managed and controlled by black people. It is the thought and objectives of B-BBEE that propels us to remain a truly empowered Level 1 transformed entity.

We’ve successfully maintained the Level 1 empowered status for two consecutive years with some noticeable improvement is some of the B-BBEE elements on the generic scorecard in 2018. The B-BBEE elements in which there’s been an improvement are:

  • Management Control, improved by 1.59 points
  • Skills Development, improved by 0.28 points
  • Enterprise & Supplier Development, improved by 2.82 points
  • Socio-economic Develppment, improved by 0.04 points
  • All 9 bonus points on the  scorecard were achieved

Level 1 – including bonus points


Our transformation vision

Batsumi Claims Management Solutions is committed to the economic emancipation of black people through its transformation endeavours in terms of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment. We believe that charity begins at home through the skills development of our employees as well as supporting their entrepreneurial aspiration to the benefit of the broader society and well-being of children.

Our transformation scorecard



  • Batsumi Claims Management Solutions is 53.50% black owned and 2.50% black woman owned
  • Performance on ownership has remained the same compared to 2017
  • Batsumi plans to include its broad-based trust to increase ownership of black people as well as black women


Management Control




  • Batsumi’s Board is 66.67% black and 33.33% black woman
  • Same performance is achieved at Executive Director Level

Other Executive Management

  • Representation at this level 75% black and 50% black female

Employment Equity

  • Batsumi does not report on senior management level
  • Achieved 72.77% and 61.69% on middle and junior management levels respectively
  • Achieved 2.09%, maximum performance in employing pblack people with disability

Skills Development


  • Achieved 4.62% out of 6% in total spend on Skills Development training and developing black employees
  • Almost maximum performance was achieved in all the other skills development categories
  • Offered employment to all the learners and interns in 2018

Enterprise & Supplier Development


  • Batsumi’s total measured procurement spend in 2018 was R47 473 440 and R56 601 359 of enhanced preferential procurement was recognised resulting in the achievement of 119%
  • Maximum points were achieved on both Enterprise Development as well as Supplier Development
    • Batsumi provides free operational space and absorb some of the operational costs for a black owned SME
    • Also invest through the Association of Savings and Investment South Africa (ASISA) ESD Fund

Socio-economic Development


  • The focus in terms of socio-economic development is on providing support to initiatives that primarily benefit children
  • Maximum performance was achieved in 2018
  • Some of the beneficiaries of the company’s social development programme includes:
    • Kingdom Life
    • Khutsong School
    • Kalagong Hospital
    • Tebogwana School

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